Betta Sweet Natural Sweetener Organic per KG


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Now you can have a great tasting natural sweetener while avoiding problems with sugar consumption and artificial sweeteners. Betta Sweet is a totally natural sweetener that tastes and looks like sugar, but without the calories. Betta sweet is made by blending two natural low-calorie plant sweeteners, erythritol and stevia extract, to make the perfect sugar substitute. Erythritol has been part of the human diet for thousands of years. It is found in a wide range of foods that include fruit, vegetables, grain, even grapes and wine.  The leaves of the stevia plant are naturally sweet and have a long history of use as a natural sweetener.  Both Betta Sweet’s erythritol and stevia come from non-GMO plants. Gluten free. No artificial additives. No preservatives, colouring agents or fillers. Made in Otaki from imported ingredients.

You can use Betta Sweet most places that you use sugar. In hot and cold drinks (e.g., tea, coffee, fruit juices, soft drinks), in cooking and baking, and in confectionaries.  Compared to sugar Betta Sweet can actually improve the quality and freshness of taste of many foods. Use as a one-for-one sugar substitute (e.g. one teaspoon of Betta Sweet equals one teaspoon of sugar).




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